How to Eliminate Medical Bills

How to Eliminate Medical Bills

Eliminating medical bills is not as difficult as you might have thought. Did you know that, according to CNBC, about two-thirds of the people who file for bankruptcy are filing due to extreme medical debt? 

Usually, at some point in everyone’s life they will find themselves, or someone they support, in a serious accident or with some major health complications that come out of nowhere. This is something you can’t always prepare for and it can be so unexpected. The cost of medical setbacks can be devastating and expensive. 

So what can you do when you can’t afford those bills and the debt seems to be piling up by the hour? Bankruptcy is a great option for people with serious medical debt. Especially because it can help eliminate those debts so you can carry on with your life without the lifelong association of debt getting in the way.

Oftentimes when someone has major medical debt they will likely have debt in another area of life as well. Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t discriminate against the type of debt it can eliminate; and it can help you in more than one area of your life. It is important to find the right bankruptcy attorney for you, one who will be able to sit down with you and go over all your needs. A good bankruptcy attorney will be able to help you determine what steps are next, and can even help negotiate with your debtors, putting you on the path to financial freedom.

If you are overwhelmed with medical bills, talk to an experienced bankruptcy attorney today to see if bankruptcy is right for you.


Do you need legal advice on how to your eliminate medical bills?

Contact Attorney David Winterton to Schedule a Free Legal Consultation Today.

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Disclaimer: Each business and/or individual situation is different and unique. This article is intended to provide you with general advice only and not to be construed as legal advice. If you would like a detailed approach to your particular situation, please contact David J. Winterton & Associates for a consultation to discuss your options.

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